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Displaying 271-280 of 1334 results for

2024 clear

Kanban Systems DVD

Ideal as an introduction to the basic concepts of kanban. See what kanban systems are available, how they work, and where they'll be successful. Discussion centers on how this lean tool supports inventory control to better respond to customer demands, promote visual control, and reduce costs.

Lean Bronze Certification Package

This package contains core reference materials for candidates seeking Lean Bronze Certification. All three titles in this package contain valuable information for those pursuing in-depth knowledge of lean principles and tools.

Lean Gold Certification Package

This package contains core reference materials are for candidates seeking Lean Gold Certification. All five titles in this package contain valuable information for those pursuing in-depth knowledge of lean principles and tools.

Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design

Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design explains how cellular manufacturing and assembly subsystems comprise the foundation for the entire lean production implementation process. Based on decades of study and firsthand observations of prominent companies in the automotive, aerospace, and many other industries, the authors explains how members of the lean implementation team, managers, and engineers can design and implement lean cellular systems.